Erzsébet Ék - Curriculum Vitae |
Erzsébet Ék |
Set designer. She graduated from the Academy of Craft and Design majoring in garment designing in 1971. She was the member of several theatres: 1972-1975 Jókai Theater, Békés Country 1976-1978 National Theater, Pécs 1981-1988 National Theater, Szeged In 1977, 1980 1983, 1990 and 1991 she appeared at scenic art exhibitions in Miskolc, Budapest and Novi Sad, Yug.-Minor. In 1984, 1986 and 1992 her individual textile works were displayed at the National Textile Art Exhibition, Szombathely. She has been the member of the National Association of Hungarian Creative Artists since 1972 ant of the Association of Hungarian Theatre Art since 1974. 1980-1992 she held art training sessions. Her book Hungarian Costumes from the Conquest up to Present Day (Littoria, Bp.) was published in 1994.
Major DesignsTheatre designs: